Philippines - English

Shop From Cole Haan US and Ship to Philippines

January 22, 2020

Here is a guide on how you can shop products on Cole Haan’s U.S. website and ship them straight to your doorstep in the Philippines with Buyandship. Did you know that Buyandship’s warehouse address is in a US sales tax-free location? Shop now and save more with Buyandship. Check out the step-by-step guide below to see how you can purchase your favorite products in Cole Haan and send them to your home in no time at the lowest shipping rates!

Step 1: Visit and browse the U.S. Cole Haan site from HERE. Make sure that it is the U.S. store of Cole Haan by checking the flag on the top right section of the page.

Step 2: Browse your favorite products and “Add to Bag”.

Step 3: Review your item and click “Checkout” for credit card payment or “Paypal checkout”.

Step 4: Use guest checkout for one-time users or go through the Sign in/Sign up process for return users.

Step 5:  Enter first name as your name and the last name as your Buyandship USER ID. Your shipping address details are your Buyandship U.S. warehouse address. This is crucial! (HERE is a tutorial on how you can get your Buyandship USER ID and U.S. warehouse address). See below sample on how to enter the details. Click “Continue to Payment” to proceed to payment.

Step 6: Enter your payment details.

Step 7:  Review your order once last time. Make sure the addresses are correct. When ready click “Submit your Order”.

Step 8:  Go to Buyandship’s website when Cole Haan provides you with your tracking code then declare your shipment. HERE is a tutorial on how to Declare your shipment. After this just sit back and relax, and wait for your shipment to arrive at your doorstep in the Philippines!