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Shop From Barnes & Noble US and Ship to Philippines

April 2, 2020

We’re pretty sure a lot you have heard of the largest bookseller in the world, Barnes and Noble US. And if you’re like us, who is tired of overpriced books in the Philippines, why don’t you try to buy directly in the country it was mass-produced for a cheaper price!

Have your favorite books, manga, toys, and activity games shipped from Barnes and Noble straight to your doorstep in the Philippines. Let’s make our geek fantasy come true, and shop online at the biggest name in the bookselling industry.

And since you’re directly buying in their online store in the US, it is guaranteed that what you’ll get is 100% authentic. Check out the step-by-step guide below to see how you can purchase your favorite products in Barnes & Noble US and send it to your home in no time at the lowest shipping rates.

[ Did you know that Buyandship’s warehouse address is in a US sales tax-free location? Shop now and save more with Buyandship ]

How to Buy Your Favorite Books in Barnes & Noble Using Buyandship

Step 01: Go To Barnes and Noble’s Landing Page

Can’t find your favorite books in the Philippines or if you do, it’s unreasonably expensive? Don’t be afraid to buy directly at Barnes and Noble Web Store, visit them online here.

Step 02: Browse and Shop Your Favorite Books and Products

Whether you’re looking for a book, a DVD set, board games, or toys, Barnes and Noble have it regardless of what it’s known for. Take your time to browse and shop on their landing page and click “Add to Cart” if you fancy something.

Step 03: Review Your Cart and Hit ‘Checkout’

You wanted to make sure that you’ll buy something worthy so, double-check everything! Keep on doing comparisons to ensure that you’re actually saving money, not wasting some. Once you’re happy with what’s in your cart, simply hit “Checkout” to proceed.

Step 04: Upon Check-Out, Enter Shipping Details

In the shipping address section of the Checkout page,

  • Click on the United States as your country or region
  • Enter your actual name, in the first name section, and then enter your Buyandship USER ID for the last name.
  • Next, enter the entirety of Buyandship’s U.S. warehouse address.

In order to get Buyanship’s US Warehouse address, log in to your Buyandship account, under the ‘Overseas Warehouse Address’ section, click on the ‘US’ Tab, and all you have to do is just copy and paste. Once you are done filling out the shipping section, click “Save & Use Address” to proceed to payment.

Step 05: Fill In Your Billing Information

Luckily, Barnes & Noble accepts the Philippines’ credit/debit card so if you have one, all you have to do is enter the necessary information. You can also pay via Paypal if you don’t have any card.

Make your Shipping Address and Billing Address are not the same. It’s important to understand that those two addresses are different. Enter your Philippines Address instead or the same address you put into your credit or debit card. Again, to keep it clear:

  • Shipping Address = Buyandship U.S Warehouse Address
  • Billing Address= Your Actual Address in the Philippines

Once you’re done, click “Save and Use Payment” to proceed.

Step 06: Submit Order and Wait For Barnes & Noble’s Email with the Tracking Code

Double-everything before you hit “Submit Order” Make sure that the details you input are correct to avoid further inconvenience. Once everything is settled, submit your order and wait for Barnes & Noble’s email that contains your tracking code.

Once your order pushes through, Barnes & Noble will automatically send you an email with your order details. Make sure to hold on to that because it will be crucial for the next step.

Click here to learn how you can track your order from Barnes & Noble to our US Warehouse Address.

Step 07: Declare Your Shipment

Once you get your tracking code or confirmation email from Barnes & Noble, log in to your Buyandship Account and declare your shipment. All you have to do is:

  • Go to ‘Parcel Management’
  • Under My Shipment. click ‘Add a Shipment’
  • Enter the Warehouse you ship it to, in this case, select ‘Portland, Oregon’
  • Enter your Tracking Number
  • Fill out the Product Details (Click ‘Add New Item’ if you bought multiple items)
  • Check all of the Terms and Conditions
  • Hit ‘Submit’

If you wanted a more elaborate explanation of how to do it, click here.

Step 08: Wait For Your Parcel To Be in Parcel Management “Arrived At HK Warehouse”

Once it is in “Arrived at HK warehouse” in My Order, you can checkout your shipments separately or consolidate your shipments (not separate items) by ticking on the box next to your tracking number. Once each shipment arrives HK warehouse you have free consolidation services and 42 days of storage. If you want to checkout, fill out the checkout details, and proceed to payment.

Step 09: Pay for Buyandship’s Shipping Rate

We charge purely based on weight so, you don’t have to compute for complicated math equations. Plus, we have the lowest shipping rate in the Philippines! We have 2 Pricing Options: Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU) and Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Check out the Features of DDP and DDU on the images below:

This goes without saying that if your parcel weighs exactly or less than 1 pound, we only charge you the designated amount but if the weight exceeds 1 pound, we round it up. But don’t worry because you always have the choice to consolidate your items to maximize your money- that’s a whole other conversation so it’s best if you just read more about consolidationhere.

Once you get notified that you’re parcel is in our HK Warehouse, all you need to do is pay the service fee before we process it. Buyandship only accepts Internationally accepted Mastercard or Visa or Virtual Cards for a safer and faster way to pay.

➡️ Learn More About Our DDP Pricing Option HERE

Step 10: Wait For Your Parcel To Arrive in Your Doorstep in the Philippines

All there’s left to do is wait for your shipment to arrive at your doorstep. Read all the books you want or play with all the games you bought at Barnes and Noble, happy shopping!


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